Zoned RedHawks Team Camp

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Zoned RedHawks Team Camp Day Recap

The day started out with college coaches showing up by 7:30am. Eleven Division 1, One Division 2, and Ten Division 3 coaches in attendance for the entire event.

Both the 16U and 17U RedHawks teams were in the earlier session. After a full dynamic warm up, team stretch, and throwing program, players were gathered in the infield grass to have the college coaches introduce themselves. For some players, this was the first up close interaction with any of the college coaches. Following coaches introductions, we went into a Positional Breakdown segment where the players went to their primary position for a 35 minute time frame where coaches of specific positions worked with players of that primary position. Here they discussed, broke down, and did positionally drill work. There was approximately 2-5 coaches per position (catchers, infielders, outfielders, and pitchers).

Next, each team had their own batting practice where all 22 college coaches watched behind the batting practice turtle. Following BP, each team had their own pro style infield outfield session, showing off their range, fielding prowess, and arm strength. Once Infield Outfield was completed the two teams played a controlled game with umpires using innings of 5 batters max or 3 outs. This kept the flow of the day going and kept all coaches engaged in the competition.

At the conclusion of the game the first session was finished. At this time, players asked coaches any questions they might have had. Simultaneously, the two teams for the afternoon session, The 9’ers and the Zoned RedHawks Futures were doing their fill team dynamic stretch and throwing program. Once they were finished the college coaches again had introductions to both teams on the infield grass. After that, players broke into their primary positions and the college coaches went into Positional Breakdown. The afternoon session followed the same organized format as the earlier session.

The Team Camp Day was extremely beneficial for all our RedHawks teams for them to get exposure to colleges in a controlled environment. The day finished at approximately 5:15p with the players thanking and shaking hands with the college coaches.


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