Winter Velocity Development Program

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Winter Velocity Development Program


ALL PLAYERS who are looking for CONSISTENT Winter Workouts that WILL improve: Athleticism, Explosiveness, Agility, and Arm Strength! This Program will also be teaching you how to properly take care of your arm and body!

Colorado Rockies Pitcher, Mike Nikorak and the Zoned Sports Academy coaching staff introduce the Winter Throwing Velocity Program.

This program is designed for every position player, pitchers, and catchers. Get to the next level and unlock your potential with increasing flexibility and strength for injury prevention, power output by training to be explosive, and solidify proper throwing mechanics to be efficient with every movement and ounce of energy.

The combination of MLB experience and cutting edge technology at Zoned Sports Academy will provide your player with the knowledge and tools to gain velocity in this 12-week program.

*A SENSORED MOUND tracks stride angle, stride distance, the pressure and weight distribution in the feet with video and numerous stats the coaches can interpret for optimal instruction.

*The RAPSODO machine tracks spin rate, spin efficiency, velocity, release point, and illustrates the movement of the throw or pitch with animations that are easy to understand on a screen.

*The PERSONALIZED THROWING PROGRAM gives the player a strength and arm care regimen they can utilize now through the rest of their career, and a better understanding of arm care and preparation to perform their very best.

*EXPERIENCED AND EXPERT COACHES give each player a customized approach and guidance on how to push themselves to fill their potential.

Instructors: Chris Nygaard, Mikey Nikorak


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